

Who We Are. What We Do.

The League of Women Voters of Virginia formed November 10, 1920, out of the suffrage movement. The League encourages informed and active participation in government to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.


The principles that guide our organization... The goal of the League of Women Voters is to empower citizens to shape better communities worldwide.

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

The League of Women Voters Nonpartisan Policy

The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to promote the informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League is nonpartisan in that it does not support or oppose any political party or candidate; it is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues after member study and agreement.

On the 105th anniversary of its founding, the League of Women Voters sent a letter to Congressional leadership regarding the organization's grave concern over the state of our nation. Specifically, the League writes to urge Congress to exercise its authority to protect the rule of law, defend the Constitution, and end the overreach that the Executive Branch has shown in the last few weeks.